Bargain Village Halloween Animation
Rain In Spain created this animation for Bargain Village, a consignment clothing store. For consignment clothing stores, Halloween is like Christmas. Which makes Christmas like . . . Groundhog Day?
Rain In Spain created this animation for Bargain Village, a consignment clothing store. For consignment clothing stores, Halloween is like Christmas. Which makes Christmas like . . . Groundhog Day?
In August of 2014 Rain In Spain Creative Studio was asked by the BC Library Association to create the artwork for their 2015 Summer Reading Club. The annual reading club is meant to encourage school age kids (especially boys) to keep reading over summer break. Given the theme of “Build It!”, RISCS helped develop a campaign… Continue reading →
The Shrunks is a Vancouver based company specializing in toys and products that facilitate the often frought bedtime routines of children. They wanted to create a fictional family that used their products in a series of animated short videos. Rain In Spain was asked to design the characters and create the animation. The work shown… Continue reading →
Taylor Jane was a project created for a proposed new SiFi network series. The comic was used as marketing material to create some buzz at the San Diego ComiCon. Rain In Spain designed the main character and all artwork associated with the comic book.
In 2008 RISCS worked with Scott Ross of Digital Domain, one of Hollywood’s most powerful digital media executives, as a character and production designer. The project was a pitch for a movie to be shown at the China National Petroleum Corporation’s pavilion at the 2010 World’s Fair in Beijing. The story revolved around a young… Continue reading →